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-   Internships provide a great opportunity for filling the gap between theory and practice. Through internships, students are able to integrate and use their knowledge from classes, develop further competence through intensive field experience, take steps to gain that competence under educational supervision, and become better acquainted with the types of work settings.


-   GSP strongly recommends internship to students. GSP students must submit an internship application  form (available from the GSP website) to the GSP administration office before conducting their internship. This application form is important: Students can obtain either 3 or 6 credits depending on the internship period.


-   The GSP office provides the internship information on its website at http://gsp.khu.ac.kr, but students may also seek out potential internship opportunities from other sources.

1. Applying for Internship Credits

Students can earn three (3) credits for a successfully completed overseas internship that lasts for eight (8) and six (6) credits for an internship of up to 16 weeks or more. To earn these credits, the student must be enrolled as a fulltime student at GSP and submit one research paper on a topic related to the internship for 3 credits or two research papers for 6 credits.


1)   Before Internship

- Students should submit an application for financial support to the GSP administration office before conducting the internship. The following are required for financial support:

-   Students should do an internship while they are officially enrolled at GSP

-   Students can earn credits unconditionally when they do an internship outside of their home country.

-   However, if students conduct an internship in their own home country, they can earn credits only for an internship performed at an international organization, public institution or a company listed on the stock exchange in their home country.


-  Students who qualify for internship credits should submit the application before conducting the internship.


-  Download and fill in the application for internship credits at http://gsp.khu.ac.kr/. Report the internship plan  to the department head  and  be advised  about the  internship activities.  Have the department head sign the application and submit it to the office. The office will receive the approval from the GSP dean.



2)   After Internship

Students should submit all of the required documents within 10 weeks after the completion of the internship. If students do not comply with the deadline, they may incur disadvantages or risk having their application invalidated. The required documents are listed below:

  The Approved Internship Application

This document is usually held GSP because student needs to have submitted the internship application to the GSP administration office before the internship.

  The Internship Evaluation Letter

This letter is issued by the supervisor of the institution for which the student has worked as an intern. The internship evaluation proves the completion of the internship.

  The Internship Evaluation Form

This form is available at http://gsp.khu.ac.kr.

Students must earn at least a C grade to earn enough credits to pass

  The Internship Report

The report contains the internship purpose, the profile of the institution, the daily internship activities, and lessons learned from the internship. Daily internship activities do not necessarily have to be recorded in each day‘s activities like a diary. However, students should describe not only their major internship activities (or research issues), but also recount any conflicts or difficulties in detail during the internship period. The internship report is expected to be at least 10 pages long with 12 font and double spaced.

  Research Paper(s)

The research paper should follow the standard format of an academic paper and deal with issues related to the internship work. The research paper is normally about 30 pages long with 12 font and double spaced.

GSP Regulations and Disciplinary Rules

1.   Regulations

1)   Application for a Leave of Absence

     The application period will be announced on the GSP homepage.

     Students who apply after the application period may take a leave of absence, but the tuition will be refunded according to the Tuition Refund Policy described above. Upon reinstatement in the following semester, students will be required to pay the tuition again.

     Application Period: Spring Semester by March 21st; Fall Semester by September 21st

Important! March/September 21st is the last day of the tuition fee is carried forward to the next semester.

     Students are not allowed to apply for a leave of absence one week before the final exam. The leave of absence cannot exceed two consecutive semesters (one year). Students need to apply each semester even if they are taking a one year leave of absence. If a student fails to return to school after two semesters, the student is automatically expelled.

*After an international student submits a leave of absence form, he/she needs to leave Korea within 30 days according to Korean Immigration Law.



2)   Application for Reinstatement

     The application period will be announced on the GSP homepage.


How to apply

- Korean students: Students can apply for a Leave of Absence or Reinstatement through the Kyung Hee University Information System, https://info21.khu.ac.kr/

- International students: After downloading and filling out the Leave of Absence or Reinstatement forms

from the GSP homepage ( go to the Information Center and click on Forms), make sure to sign and send it to gsp@khu.ac.kr during the application period.


3)   Voluntary Withdrawal

-   Students must first consult their department head then download the Voluntary Withdrawal Form from  the GSP website and submit it to gsp@khu.ac.kr.


4)   Expulsion

Students will be expelled in the following cases:

-   Those who do not resume their studies before the leave of absence period expires

-   Those who were disciplined

-   Those who fail to obtain a GPA of 2.7 above in two consecutive semesters.


2.   Disciplinary Rules


1)   Attendance and Absenteeism

-  Students are expected to attend all of the classes for which they have registered each semester. Any student who, without good reason, has failed to attend a class for at least two-thirds of the total  classes will be prohibited from taking the exam.


-  In the event where a student will be absent for any of the reasons below, the student must notify the professor of the course, department advisor and the office to obtain approval in advance:

-  Death of an immediate family member (grandparents, parents, siblings) or equivalent circumstances

-  Academic planning, field-trips, on-location training or the like

-  Participation in seminars or conferences (including international ones) as approved by the dean of GSP

-  Other events approved by the dean of GSP.


-   Students who will be absent for less than seven days (including holidays and weekend days) due to illness or an emergency situation, need to submit written notification of such absence to the professor of the course and the office. For absences longer than seven days, students must submit a written diagnosis by a physician.


2)   Cheating or Forgery of Documents

-  No form of cheating or any other form of misconduct such as the forgery of documents is tolerated at GSP. Students are expected to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity at all times. If a student is believed to have acted dishonestly or with intent to misrepresent the school at any time, GSP reserves the right to expel that individual from the program immediately or suspend the student for any length  of time to be determined at the discretion of the GSP disciplinary committee.


-   Cheating and forgery of any document is a severe violation at GSP. For example, students who have been observed to be acting unfairly, or gaining information to which their access is restricted, or assisting others in doing so will be disciplined accordingly. The cost of cheating can range from losing credit to expulsion from the school.

Seoul Campus : 26, Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 02447, Republic of Korea Tel. +82-2-961-0114
Global Campus : 1732, Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do 17104, Republic of Korea Tel. +82-31-201-2114
Gwangneung Campus : 195, Gwangneungsumogwon-ro, Jinjeop-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do 12001, Republic of Korea Tel. +82-31-201-7012