- In 1996, GSP was established as one of the nine government- supported graduate schools of International Studies
- Received approximately 7 million USD of financial support for five years
- In 2000, GSP ranked second among the nine graduate schools of International Studies in a comprehensive government evaluation
- In 2002, The Korea International Cooperation Agency and GSP Master Program began for international students from developing countries
- Deemed one of the most excellent master's program among KOICA scholarship programs
- More than 300 alumni from 40 countries
- In 2007, The Department of International Development Cooperation began as a government supported program
- Received approximately 1.5 million USD of financial support for two years
- In 2008, the Asian Development Bank designated GSP as an educational institute for education on the Korean Economic Development and Experience
- Supported by the ADB at 350,000 USD
- In 2011, GSP was selected as a cooperative institute for the ODA center of the Korea International Cooperation Agency
- Received approximately 80,000 USD of financial support for two years
- The 1st Dean of GSP Choong-Soo Kim (1998. 04 - 2001. 01)
- The 2nd Dean of GSP Kun-Woo Park (2001. 01 - 2003. 06)
- The 3rd Dean of GSP Dong-Se Cha (2003. 07 - 2004. 11)
- The 4th Dean of GSP Keuk-Je Sung (2004. 12 - 2010. 03)
- The 5th Dean of GSP Jin-Young Chung (2010. 03 - 2013. 04)
- The 6th Dean of GSP Hahn-kyu Park (2013. 05 - 2017.12)
- The 7th Dean of GSP Don Moon (2017. 12 - 2020.09)
- The 8th Dean of GSP Jun Yeup Kim (2020.10 - 2023.6)
What Our Students Bring
Diverse Applicants from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas
International, Multilingual Student Body
Knowledge and Skills from a Wide Range of Backgrounds from Biology to Finance from Government to NGOs
Motivated, High Achieving Applicants
What Our Students Do
Generous Scholarship Support (55%)
Internship /Exchange Opportunities Abroad (UN, Washington Center)
International Collaboration and Research
Organizing and Attending Conferences
Dual Degree and Customized Programs
Close-knit Community
Expert Faculty with Research and Professional Experience
36 Languages Spoken/Heard at GSP
Widely Varied Instructional Content in English
Develop Academic Excellence and Professionalism
Where Our Students Go
Diverse Alumni Spread across More Than 30 countries
Contributors Nationally and Internationally
Versatility in Employment across the Public and Private Sectors
Alumni Employed in Professions Ranging across Government, Finance, Investment, Diplomacy and International Organizations, Educational Institutions, and Distribution and Manufacturing
Networking Opportunities across Professional and National Boundaries